Latest publications
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- Chronological bibliography
- Dissertation
- Brief curriculum vitae
- Journal Articles
- Books
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- Other Publications
- Original chapters in edited books
- Kurds and Kurdistan
- Kurdish bibliography
- Nytt ríkí í austurlöndum nær? Morgunblaðið 16. Júni 2017
- Með uppreisnarmönnum í gegnum brennd þorp (->english)
- Scientific and Medical Network
- Survival after Death
- Rhine Research Center
- Kurdistan Observer
- Skeptical Investigations
I am indebted to the following foundations and institutions for research grants and support:
Tiger Trust, Rotterdam.
- The Tate Found, Society for Psychical Research, London.
Faculty of Social Sciences,University of Iceland
- Experimental Psychology
- Psychological Testing
- Methodology I
- Methodology II
- Parapsychology (optional)
- Altered states of consciousness (optional)
Assistant Professor, 1st of May 1973
Associate Professor 1st of July 1978
Professor 1st of April 1989
Professor Emeritus 1st of February 1999.
Guest Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1982-1983.
Research Professor at the Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene in Freiburg 1993-1995.
Adjunct Research Faculty Member, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, California
Brief curriculum vitae
Service on committees at the University of Iceland Chairman of the Promotion Committee of the Faculty of Social Science, 1986 to 1992.
Member of the grant-giving Research Fund from1985 to 1991.
Member of the committee responsible for establishing Counseling Service at the University of Iceland.
Republished several times, last 2012.
Erlendur Haraldsson (left) with Dr. Karlis Osis (right) and two Indian colleagues,
Parmeshwar Dayal of Allahabad and Dr. Jamuna Prasad.
India in 1973.
They assisted us in our survey of deathbed-visions as
we interviewing physicians and nurses in Indian hospitals.
See Osis & Haraldsson, 1977. Bildquelle: EH
Published in January 2018.
(New edition of At the Hour of Death)
More information (engl., german)
Published in January 2017.
E. H., Duminda
E. H., Purnima
Published October 2015.
Published October 2019.
Released ín July 2013.
See reviews on
E. H., Sathya Sai Baba
Published October 2012. Icelandic 2005.
The departed Among the Living - Magonia Review
Paranormalia - Ghost in Iceland
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 77.2, Nr. 910, April 2013.
Parapsykologiske Notizer. Nr. 75 / 2013. 62-64.
Published 2012.
My biography, only available in Icelandic
Reviews:Hugarás, vefrit Hugvísindasviðs HÍ: „Á vit hins ókunna“
Hjalti Hugason prófessor í kirkjusögu
HÍ fréttir: Endurminningar Erlendar Haraldssonar
Published March 2021.
My Biography, in English
Published in 1964.
Published in 1966.
Með uppreisnarmönnum í gegnum brennd þorp
Meet the Icelandic journalist who took iconic photo of Kurdish leader (2017)
Published 1978, only in Icelandic
(About this world and the other
Survey about psychic experiences of Icelanders, their religiousviews and folkbelifs)
YouTube: In Gedenken an Prof. Dr. emer. Erlendur Haraldssson
25. Januar 2018
Erlendur Haraldsson - Winter 1955/56 - London Oxford Street
In his early youth Erlendur had a transformative experience
When I was around 15, I became like reborn to myself,
and became aware of some inner reality that was also mysteriously external,
and so immensely greater than anything I had experienced or been aware of before.
It started suddenly in heavy rain during the middle of the day,
near some banks of pebbles on the seashore that lit up
as the sun suddenly shone and reflected on them.
Then I had the experience of being filled with light
that was immensely delightful and beyond words.
After a while this faded away but a vivid trace of it remained with me
and would sometimes – especially in my youth – sweep over me again.
After that there was never a doubt that there existed a superior/supernatural reality
that was sometimes closer and sometimes further away from my normal self.
With Dr. Stevenson at the Division of Perceptual Studies
in Charlottesville in 2002 or 2003
At the deathbed of Prof. Ian Stevenson
Seltjarnarnes, Iceland
Raksha Mask, Souvenir from Sri Lanka - Erlendur Haraldsson
Books by Erlendur
Books by Erlendur - Facebook
Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson
Professor emeritus
*3.11.1931 †22.11.2020
English Version - Íslensk útgáfa
Acryl auf Leinwand
von von Art by Claudi Ja
(April 2024)
©Copyright Claudia Gollik
»Es gibt nicht nur ein Universum, es gibt ein Multiversum.«
Erlendur Haraldsson
*3.11.1931 †22.11.2020
Interview-Ausschnitt mit Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson
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Books by Erlendur Haraldsson
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